Be sure to come ready with your stories about MBC, TOMORROW, March 2. Rev. Fox will be with us, and he’s excited to hear from you. Please use this time to tell him what Midway Baptist Church means to you.
Last Update
Thank you so much for everyone who came to the Church Narrative lunch this Sunday. It truly blessed my heart to see our sanctuary full and to have so many of us join together in worship and fellowship.
As an introduction to his Church Narrative process, Rev. Fox had us each write a single word that best describes MBC to us. The most commonly used words (in order).
• Loving
• Welcoming
• Family / home (tie)
We love and we welcome. That’s who Midway Baptist Church has always been. It is who we still are today. And it is who we will be on into the future.
Rev. Fox emphasized the power of stories and how we tell our own. Over the next few weeks, he hopes to speak to us all in small groups to hear our individual stories about MBC. Eventually, he’ll combine all those stories into one comprehensive picture of our church to share with prospective pastors.
He plans to meet with Iraline’s Sunday School class this Sunday. He’ll also speak with several other groups (deacons, young adults, and so on).
Your story is the story of MBC. Please feel free to grab him and talk his ear off about our church if you see him Sunday. He also welcomes written stories. If you would like his phone number to send him one, just let me know (Adam).
Thank you for being you. Please continue to light those candles and keep us in your prayers.
Paul Simmons
Hope Craig
Erin McQueen
Adam Reid – Chair
Liles Taylor
“Now set your mind and heart to seek the Lord your God.” – 1 Chronicles 22:19